January-December 2018
This course is an advanced course in the science of Yoga, it's methodology, and how to teach it. It contains a number of advanced techniques and requires instructor approval, as well as a personal commitment to grow within your practice and life.
The course is comprised of four modules, each consisting of 5 weeks of study with breaks. There is also an extensive break, in which the student is allotted time to integrate the knowledge into their yoga practice and daily life.
There is a final project due upon completion of the course which serves to demonstrate a students' grasp on a particular aspect of the course. This is an exercise to help enrich the student and their experience in applying the knowledge within the course.
Our Commitment to You:
Upon completion of this course, you will be among the most highly trained yoga instructors in the world.
Module 1: "The Language of Yoga"
January 18 through February 26, 2018
In this opening Module we distinguish and define the key concepts of yoga from its remedial study, to its advanced practices, in the form of language. We study Sanskrit, the language of Yoga and The Vedas, learning not only the importance of language as a means of communication and creation, but the concept of Shadhabrahma, or sound itself, the most fundamental aspect of matter.
We will learn and distinguish a large vocabulary of Sanskrit terminology through the study of Samkhya philosophy, which is the basis of all yoga philosophies and practices, as well as Ayurveda, the science of life, and Vedanta, the most advanced aspect of yogic philosophy.
Beyond intellectually understanding the concepts of Samkhya, we will also embody them through advanced yogic and tantric practices including advanced Dharana, Dhyana and advanced Pranayama.
We will delve into the concept of Samadhi, the most basic form of human consciousness, both experientially and intellectually via the Samadhi Pada of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. We will survey the history and philosophies of Yoga, Tantra and Veda, while understanding their role and reflection of the natural evolution of human consciousness.
We will begin our in-depth study of advanced Asana Practice with an introduction to the practices of Hatha Yoga laid forth in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika through a survey of the Shatkarmas, and basic Mudras.
Finally, we initiate our in depth study of human anatomy with an understanding of it's relation to Samkhya philosophy by understanding the Koshas, or levels of its existence. We will further explore the Koshas and their relationship through the exploration of Marma or acupressure points, which serve as "junction points" between each level or Kosha and offer powerful healing and therapeutic effects when applied to the practice of Yoga . We will learn to identify these points while studying traditional anatomy using latin terminology such as muscles, tendons and bony landmarks.
Finally, we confront the therapeutic effects of Asana by exploring the concept of Prana and Apana, their definition and qualities, and its expression in the body’s meridian system. By the study of the Kidney and Bladder channels, we will look at the effects of asana on the constitution as a whole. We will use these channels as a means to cultivate advanced practices in Pranayama and Meditation.
The following topics are addressed in detail:
- Sanskrit 1: Understanding Mantra and Brahmana, the power of Sound and Silence
- Introduction to Tantra, Veda and Yoga: their theories, history and context in relation to human consciousness
- Samkhya Philosophy: It's Terminology and Ideas; Understanding Purusha, and exploring Prakriti through the Tattvas
- Patanjali Yoga 1: Yoga Sutras, Chapter 1, Samadhi Pada, An introduction to the advanced concepts of Yogic Philospohy
- Hatha Yoga 1: Introduction to Prana and Apana
- Anatomy and Physiology 1: Understanding the physical body as a microcosm of Prakriti
- Introduction to Marma Points: Creating physiological balance on all levels
- Introduction to Vedic Anatomy 1: the Meridian System: Understanding individual muscles, their relationships and functions via the Sinew Channels
- Advanced Asana Practice 1: A survey of Classical Asana
- Therapeutics of Asana 1: The breathing System, and Immunity
- Advanced Pranayama and Meditation 1
- Advanced Practices
Module 2 "The Practice of Yoga"
April 8 through May 14
This module delves into the methodology of Yoga and it's practices. From the most outer aspect of Yoga, or Yama, through the deepest, most subtle state of human consciousness, Samadhi, we will explore the full range of practices known as Patanjali's Astanga Yoga or "eight limbed system". We will examine entire systems of yoga which arise from the Niyama limb such as Jnana and Bhakti, while embodying those systems through self-inquiry techniques and a cross cultural survey of classical and modern Bhakti texts.
We will begin the study of Ayurveda, of both understanding it's principles to applying them to our lives to enrich our health, exploring the concepts of the Doshas, Prakriti, Vikriti, Dinacharya and Ritucharya.
We will continue our study of Asana through the exploration of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, examining and embodying the advanced concepts of Prana, Tejas and Ojas, Mudras, and the little understood practice of Bandhas and their related Granthis.
We will deepen our understanding of the physical anatomy through the esoteric study of the Chakras, and Nadis, and their relationship to physical and mental functioning and health.
We will apply this methodology to the advanced practice of Asana, learning the cultivation of grace and ease in Asana, as well as in daily life.
We will explore the dynamics, both physically and energetically of back bending, it's precise and proper alignment and practice, and the therapeutic effects resulting from their correct execution. By exploration, both intellectually as well as experientially through the practice of advanced Pranayamas, and meditations, and explore Marma points on the Liver/Gallbladder and Heart and Small Intestine Channels, learning helping to treat digestive, and emotional disorders.
The following topics are addressed in detail:
- Sanskrit 2: Mantra selections from Rk Veda, the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahmana Sutras
- Ayurveda 1: Its principles and applications
- Patanjali Yoga 2: The Yoga Sutras, Chapter 2, Sadhana Pada
- Hatha Yoga 2
- Jnana Yoga 1: Understanding the Intellect
- Bhakti Yoga 1: The Art of Devotion
- Kriya Yoga 1: Introduction to Kriya Yoga
- Anatomy 2: The the chakra System
- Marma Points: A continuation
- The Meridian System: A continuation
- Advanced Asana Practice 2: The cultivation of grace and ease
- Therapeutics of Asana 2: Asana for digestive and emotional disorders
- Advanced Pranayama and Meditation 2: The Practice Techniques
- Special Topics 2: Teaching Methodology
Module 3 "The Perfection of Yoga"
August 19 through September 24
In this module, we examine both the practical and esoteric aspects of Yoga, and their mutual relationship. Through in depth study of the Bhagavad Gita, we will gain isight into the profound system of Karma Yoga, which answers the most fundamental questions about the nature of existence.
Combined with the exploration the Vibhuti Pada of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, we will come to understand the fundamental concept of Siddhi, or perfection in action and understanding your unique individual purpose.
We will confront the concept and process of Samyama, the key to perfecting action. We will apply the concept of Samyama and similarly related "technologies" to the study of Asana, focusing on how to perfect "challenging" poses such as arm balances.
We continue to delve into the meridian system in the exploration of the Spleen and Stomach and Pericardium/Sanjao channels, in which we will look at the therapeutic effects of Asana on emotional disorders as well as metabolic and digestive problems.
The following topics are addressed in detail:
- Sanskrit 3: Selections from Rk Veda and Brahmana Sutras
- Ayurveda 2: The Practice of Ayurveda
- Patanjali Yoga: The Yoga Sutras Chapter 3, Vibhuti Pada
- Bhakti Yoga 2: Practice in Bhakti Yoga
- Kriya Yoga: Kriya practice
- Karma Yoga 1: Understanding the Karma, the Origin of Action
- Anatomy 3: The anatomy of the mind
- Marma Points: A continuation
- The Meridian System: A continuation
- Advanced Asana Practice 3: The perfection of Asana
- Therapeutics of Asana 3: Therapeutics of Asana in the treatment of digestive, metabolic and emotional disorders
- Advanced Pranayama and Meditation 3: Practice Techniques
- Special Topics 3: Teaching Methodology
Module 4 "The Attainment of Yoga"
April 9 – May 17, 2015
In this final module, we will be confronting the concepts of Kaivalya, or ultimate liberation, and Brahm, ultimate reality, which are both apparent in the final stage of yoga practice. We will study the key concepts of Vedanta philosophy, the culmination of The 6 major schools of Vedic thought, with readings from the Mandkhyopanishad, and the Kaivalya Pada of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.
We will discover the ultimate purpose of action, in the study of the Bhagavad Gita, and gain insight into the purpose or reason to perform action.
In our Asana Study, we will continue to explore the dynamics of Prana by our study of the Lung and Large Intestine channels, the Avarohan(Du) and Arohan(Ren) channels, and finally Shushumna Nadi (Chong Mai).
We will examine how Asana can be used therapeutically in cases of depression, joint problems, and respiratory disorders, as well as the effects of Asana on human states of Consciousness.
These concepts are integrated in the completion of learning advanced pranayama and meditation techniques, which allow for the experience and embodiment of the channels and their relationship and effects on the physical body.
The following topics are addressed in detail:
- Sanskrit 4: The Mandukhyopanishad
- Vedanta: The Science of Ultimate Liberation
- Patanjali Yoga: Yoga Sutras Chapter 4, Kaivalya Pada
- Bhakti Yoga 3: Advanced Practice
- Karma Yoga 2: Understanding Perfection on Action
- Kriya Yoga: Kriya practices
- Anatomy 4: the Anatomy of Consciousness
- Marma Points: A Continuation
- The Meridian System: A Continuation
- Advanced Asana Practice 4: Asana as a means to Yoga
- Therapeutics of Asana 4: The Effects of Asana on Mental/Emotional Problems; The Effects of Asana on States of Consciousness
- Advanced Pranayama and Meditation 4: Practice Techniques