Jim Kulackoski has devoted over twenty years of his life to the study, preservation and teaching of yoga, the Vedic Sciences and the Tantric Sciences. Jim's fascination for the Vedic Sciences include Ayurveda and Sanskrit, which he studied extensively at Maharishi University of Management. His yoga studies include methods such as Ashtanga, Iyengar, and Shivananda yoga. Having been initiated into several major systems of meditation including: Kriya yoga, TM-Sidhi and Jin Gui Qi Gong, Jim is one of a few outside of India to be recognized in the Rudra/Siva Sampradaya tradition of yoga.
Jim currently studies with Dr. Dongxun Zhang in the Jin Gui Lineage, a system of Qi Gong that draws its knowledge and techniques from the tantras. An advanced practice, Jim is fortunate to be one of a handful of people currently learning this system.
Jim holds an adjunct faculty position at Loyola University, teaches and regularly lectures at Illinois Institute of Technology, Woman's Athletic Club and Rush Medical College. He currently serves on the Yoga Alliance compliance subcommittee.
With a degree in classical music, a background in ballet, herbology, and amateur linguist, Jim is a learned teacher and healer. He is known for his unique ability to inspire others to achieve physical, spiritual, and emotional integration. His teaching philosophy centers on encouraging clients and practitioners to relate core yogic and Ayurvedic concepts to their everyday lives.
Jim currently devotes his time and energy to the Darshan Center, an organization which serves to preserve and teach the knowledge contained within the Vedas and the Tantras. Currently, he develops programs which seek to deliver that knowledge in the most clear and concise manner.